MNM for Parents as Teachers or Professional Piano Teachers
MerrieNan Melodies (MNM) Individual Music Pathway is a method for teaching piano to students of all ages. There are two beginner levels within the individual piano method: The EarlyStart program for 4 to 6-year-olds and the WriteStart program for ages 7 and older. Younger students who finish the EarlyStart level move on to the WriteStart books.
The MerrieNan Melodies EarlyStart series of books has very large notation with lots of color so that young children can easily see the difference between the line and space notes. The WriteStart book series is designed to start the older student. Both levels of materials provide the tools that a newcomer to music needs for a quick understanding of how music notation works.
The musical parent, non-musical parent, or experienced piano teacher will enjoy the ease and success of this unique and pedagogically sound approach. As Betty Todd Smith said after starting beginners with this method, “They practically teach themselves!”
Piano teachers may contact us for more information on how you can incorporate these special teaching materials into your studio.